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Invest in Hamilton

By 2 January 2014 Happening, News

There is something wonderful about Hamilton that makes us thankful to be part of it.

The growing interest from outsiders settling into the hammer and the increasing numbers of businesses opening up in the city are only the few signs of progress that has coined the name of our city as “The Ambitious City”.

In addition, we are honoured to be part of one of Hamilton’s economic development video, featured as a growing business in Hamilton.

OHM Industrial Designs Inc., Marta Hewson and Mike Fabris are found in this video talking about their love for Hamilton and why they chose the Hammer as their place to do business.

Mike Fabris, Graph and Animation Artist, is a “boomerang”. Born and raised in Hamilton, then moved to Toronto, cultivating an impressive portfolio that enabled him to open his own business in Graphic and Animations, known as “The Carwash Inc.” Coming back to Hamilton brings both familiarity and adventure.

OHM Industrial Designs and Mara Hewson have both been long-term tenants that have admired Hamilton as a fertile place for their growing businesses. Incidentally, both found renting at 270 Sherman provided a a hub of creative energy and affordable workspace.

To watch the video. Click here!