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By 9 March 2016 Happening

Tanya Smith is a photographer who specializes in modern glam/boudoir photography – a photographer for 12 years, she started doing boudoir photography in 2011.  Originally Tanya did all kinds of photography from newborns to fine art to concerts. She has even done food photography and has a cookbook published with her pictures in it.


Her move to boudoir happened when she participated in a boudoir photoshoot herself and her friends saw the pictures. They knew she was a photographer and begged her to do photos like that for them. At first, Tanya responded with. “No, I don’t do that kind of photography” but her friends persisted and she eventually gave in. She’s been doing boudoir ever since. Tanya compares her work to Victoria secret advertisements, “it’s classy and sexy all rolled into one”    

She loves her work and falls in love with it more every day.  She feels that the best part is a tie, between shooting day and reveal day. “On the shoot day, we get to experience a super fun, nice connection together. On the reveal day; the client gets to see their fully edited photographs for the first time.” They also get the surprise of having the opportunity to see them printed up right then and there which is something most photographers don’t do. “I’ve gotten great reactions from women, some of them have even cried.”

Tanya explains, “Women want to be viewed positively but they also want to change things about themselves. From losing five pounds to having a bigger butt or boobs. It feels really good being able to make women feel beautiful in their own skin.” She is very passionate about showing women that they can and do look beautiful.